Friday, November 7, 2014

Antigone Quickwrite

Everyone deserves a proper burial. However, I do not believe it is anyone’s right if you should be buried or not. I would of course mourn both of my brothers, as they are after all family. However, I would be outraged to know that my favorite brother cannot be buried, and even more furious knowing it’s a “crime” to do so. My sister, although family, would bring more dishonor than my “traitor” brother, at least in my opinion. I would do my best to convince my sister to help me bury our brother, but I wouldn’t beg. It does not require one to beg for something both of you know is morally correct. However, my sister will most likely neglect following the just and honorable path of burying our brother as she fears our uncle, which leaves the task to me alone. I would plan an explosive, dramatic event that would act as a distraction, such as a festival, banquet, dramatic production, etc. I would then proceed to making sure that the king, my uncle would be in attendance. While everyone is at attending the event, I would act fast laying small distractions that would slow down any wandering guards or civilians, yet alert me of their presence. Although I would gladly die attempting to bury my beloved brother, I would prefer not having to do so. I would steal the body from the dump and transport it to some hidden location. By doing this, I can prevent my uncle from ordering the body to be dug up again as he will not be aware of the location of the burial. I would then proceed to transporting the body the farthest distance from the city. After giving my brother a proper funeral, I would proceed to cover my tracks. I would have an alibi ready as to where I was at the time of the decoy event, as well as who I was with. To ensure this, I would bribe someone to testify they had seen me at said fake location. Even if I were caught, I would regret nothing. I could feel at peace knowing I did the right thing, and hoping someone would do the same for me. Although my sister refused to help, I would not hold a grudge as everyone has different views and fears. But if she did not at the very least try to defend me, she would no longer be seen as my blood. My only consolation would be knowing that I accomplished what I believed to be right, and gave my brother a proper burial. Everyone deserves to be laid down to rest, and no mortal man has the power to decide against it. 

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