Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ch 11 LOTF Core Questions

1. Ralph's group decide that they must go to Castle Rock to retrieve Piggy's glasses/the fire. 

2. Ralph demonstrates a more demanding nature as a chief. The twins and Piggy seem to notice that he's starting to "lose it". 

3. They are greatly outnumbered and are attempting a more civilized approach. Trying to appeal to Jack's humanity and morals, when he's clearly turned savage is an action that will clearly fail.

4. Roger pushes the rock off the cliff to harm Ralph, or possibly to merely scare him away. I do no think that he had the intention of pushing someone off with it. 

5. It represents the destruction of their civilized natures. Destroying the conch and the death of Piggy is an allegory for the loss of order and knowledge. 

6. They want a chief in order to have someone to make decisions for them, and essentially tell them what to do. A chief would be a figure of authority reminiscent of society's structure and order.

7. Two questions I would ask Jack Merridew would be: "Do you miss your home?"  and "What do you miss the most?"

8.                                                                                                                                                                                              5/27/15
     Its been so long since I've seen mother. I can't remember the smell of her pies baking every third Sunday..(or was it Saturday?)...of the month. Even the feel of a soft bed is a distant memory that I know I long for but can't seem to recall the feeling of. I still believe that any moment now I will wake up and all of this will be but a dream. However, the events of today remind me just how painfully real this all is. We lost Piggy today to Jack's hunters. Apparently, he was crushed by a boulder and hurtled over the edge of a cliff by the force of the blow. That's the third death of a boy so far on the island following Simon and the boy with the birthmark.
     Ralph seems to be taking it the hardest of us all. Our clan has drastically been reduced in size with the  departure of the hunting clan. I can not believe to what degree the "hunters" have become savages. Any memory of society's morals seems to have withered and died inside their blood thirsty minds. I long for the moment we are rescued and have the opportunity to return home.

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