Thursday, May 28, 2015

Chapter 12 Journal

The way the novel ends is a little ironic, considering their focus wasn't exactly on getting rescued anymore. Setting the island on fire somehow lured a ship to the island leading to the rescue of the boys. Meanwhile, I was surprised reading that the story made them seem like little kids, since their actions didn't exactly demonstrate that anymore. I think Ralph cries at the end of the novel, because all of the horrible things that they experienced are finally over. He cries because he finally has the rules of society come back to truly make him feel guilt for his actions. The character which I despise the most is Jack due to his arrogant and screwed up personality. Jack doesn't see the rationality behind the other boys' thoughts. His attitude of deeming himself the new chief truly demonstrated his need to prove he was superior to Ralph and the others. Plus he and his pal Roger killed Piggy. I would recommend this book as it really makes you reflect on our very own evil human nature and what we are capable of. In our society, we don't tend to sit down and randomly begin to ponder humanity's capability of inflicting evil upon others. However, Goulding really presents an interesting argument against the theory that humanity is naturally pure. I geniunely enjoyed this novel and would highly recommend to anyone. 

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